Claris FileMaker Pro 21.0.2 beschikbaar

Claris Filemaker 2023

Claris FileMaker Pro 21.0.2: Met deze software wordt Claris FileMaker Pro 21.0.1 bijgewerkt naar versie 21.0.2 en worden diverse problemen opgelost.

Claris FileMaker Pro Release Notes

Addressed issues

• When performed in a hosted file, the Perform Semantic Find script step returned a found set that wasn’t consistently sorted by cosine similarity as expected.

• After specifying an ODBC data source in an Import Records script step, the Specify Import Order dialog didn’t display source fields for you to map to target fields.

• Windows: When signing in to FileMaker Pro with an account authenticated via certain external identity providers to access files hosted by FileMaker Cloud, an error message was displayed instead of the page for two-step verification.

• Windows: FileMaker Pro was unable to import records via the Sage Accounts 50 v29 ODBC driver.

• Windows: After selecting a button or button bar in Layout mode, opening the Button Setup or Button Bar Setup dialog, clicking a control that opened the Specify Calculation dialog, then, in some cases, changing focus outside the application, FileMaker Pro stopped responding or quit unexpectedly.

Update vandaag naar Claris FileMaker Pro 21.0.2.

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