Claris FileMaker 19.6.3 beschikbaar

Claris FileMaker 19.5

Claris FileMaker Pro 19.6.3: Met deze software wordt Claris FileMaker Pro 19 bijgewerkt naar versie 19.6.3 en worden diverse problemen opgelost.

Enkel nog in Engelstalige tekst beschikbaar:

Claris FileMaker Server New features and enhancements
Updated libraries
FileMaker Server: The following open-source libraries have been updated: is updated to version 4.5.4. is updated to version 4.5.4.

Addressed issues
Opening a database hosted by FileMaker Server with Claris FileMaker Go took longer than expected.
Databases hosted by FileMaker Server took longer than expected to open for the first time when they contained a large number of accounts and the network connection experienced delays.

Claris FileMaker WebDirect stopped responding when accessing databases that were not yet loaded during error handling.
Entering the command fmsadmin restart server with typos caused the Admin Server process to stop unexpectedly.

FileMaker WebDirect: Scrolling the layout in List View didn’t work when you moved the pointer to a portal with the “Allow vertical scrolling” option disabled.

Claris FileMaker Pro New features and enhancements
Addressed issues
Databases hosted by FileMaker Server took longer than expected to open for the first time when they contained a large number of accounts and the network connection experienced delays.

Under certain conditions, index values were missing after the index was built during a transaction.

Update vandaag naar FileMaker 19.6.3.

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